What is a Creatrix?
A Creatrix is a woman who is divinely connected to herself, her natural rhythms and all of the universe. She knows that she is infinite in what she can create because she holds the limitless potential of it all. Her womb is a source of creation. She gives birth to many things including dreams, ideas, and projects. She lives deeply in her pleasure and feminine power. She is fierce and free in her expression. Raw, wild, and unfiltered in her truth. She is magnetic to everything she desires and follows her passion like a roadmap to her truth.
She is everything and she is inside of you.
As humans our bodies are encoded with everything that we need. Many of the codes that are available for us lie dormant until we awaken them. The Creatrix Codes are activated through ultimate pleasure and embodiment.
What do sex and pleasure have to do with business?
Well everything honestly, because if you aren’t open to receiving in the bedroom with full trust you are most likely not receiving clients or payments either.
If you are not allowing yourself to be fully seen you aren't able to connect on an intimate level and experience the orgasmic bliss that is available to you.
There is a big difference of serving from your heart and presence, or being so caught up in your head to do it "right" that you miss out on the magic.
The hustle mentality is an old paradigm that has created an epidemic of women in business who are struggling to succeed and nourish themselves.
As a woman it is your divine right to be a Creatrix. You carry the power within you to have anything you desire. You just have to tap into it.
+ You desire so much more but you are exhausted, overwhelmed, confused and burned out.
+ You have a big vision but you feel bored and uninspired by your business and your sex life.
+ You got into this so that you could experience freedom as an entrepreneur but you feel trapped by the rules and strategies given to you.
+ There is so much information out there and you have signed up for every freebie possible - leaving you more confused.
+ You have have been hustling hard with your energy in every direction and you aren’t anywhere near close to where you want to be.
+ You haven’t even made it in your first year and already feel so burned out and want to quit.
+ You don’t feel confident to charge more and you can never quit 9-5 with what you’re currently making
+ You experience feast or famine months in your business/income - no consistency.
+ You barely have enough time and energy for your work, let alone your life.
+ You compare yourself constantly online to other women who are where you want to be.
+ You are forcing your content and creativity and it feels icky.
+ You live in fear and scarcity most of the time - always wondering where your next client and payment will be coming from
+ You barely have enough time to take care of yourself
+ You consume more than you create.
+ You have put sex, pleasure, and all passions on the back burner.
+ You wake up with anxiety every day - unsure of what to do next .
What if you could break free from the hustle mentality that isn’t serving you and align with your greatest pleasure and prosperity?
There is a better way. . .
Massive amounts of abundance, passion, and creativity flow when you are in alignment with your soul purpose and open to it. You pathway to power is through your connection to pleasure.
Creatrix Codes is the Art of Seductive Business for Embodied Entrepreneurs.
It is time to create a new way as feminine leaders. So we can show up in deep service, do soul aligned work, make more money with ease, and have so much fun doing it.
Are you ready to. . .
Feel turned the fuck on and absolutely obsessed with your work and life
Work less, play often, and have so much more abundance flowing in
Create magnetic content with ease and clarity from your soul
Heal the wounded feminine, jealousy, triggers, and celebrate your sisters
Be in full trust and surrender as you co-create with the universe
Experience what its like to be fully embodied, deeply nourished, and in pleasure
Do deep inner child, trauma and shadow work around everything that comes up being an entrepreneur
Call in soul sister clients that can't wait to work with you & you are soooo obsessed with
Release scarcity, fears, blocks, and doubts that hold you back from your highest purpose
Receive more in every area of your life, love, and business by following your full body yes
Course Content
Erotic Embodiment
Manifestation + Breath Work Meditation
Initiation + Invitation - Call 1 Replay
Fantasy + Foreplay
Dance with Divine
Cockblockers + Dirty Secrets
About this course
- $444.00
- 24 lessons
- 25 hours of video content
Can I do this course at my own pace?
You will have the content and any upgrades to the course forever, so yes.
Can I take this course if am not a coach or entrepreneur?
Absolutely, the concepts of the course can be applied to any woman in business. If you are or desire to be creating something this course is full of incredible tools for you.
Do I need to have a yoni egg or wand?
No, this course offers many self pleasure practices. These tools are very helpful though and I highly recommend working with them.
Do you offer refunds?
No. You will get what you put into this work.
Who is this course NOT for?
A person who is not ready to fully commit to her truth, and go deep . Someone who is offended easily, and cannot handle sexual language and profanity. Plays the victim and refuses to take responsibility.
Is there a payment plan option?
Yes you will find the payment plan option below.
How much support will there be?
SO MUCH! I will be there to answer any questions and help with anything you need during the live calls and in the FB group.
Are there opportunities for scholarships?
Yes. Please reach out to me if you deeply desire to do this course and need assistance. [email protected]
Your Guide
Chelsey Jo
Investing in ourselves is an important part of growth. It is an activation into your own abundance, purpose, and soul mission. You are saying YES and claiming what you desire for yourself and your business.
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